The Cursed Poet
He calls himself the Cursed Poet, but his poems are like an antidote to his life. Full of hope and with the full spectrum of life, Siddhant Tripathi loves Nano-tales and Quotes. Being of the age of 19, he already published his first book and runs a very successful Instagram page. He is a musician and studies Automobile Engineering, but loves Literature more then everything’s else.
Miriam: Can you share one of your beautiful quotes with us?
The Cursed Poet: Yes, sure. Help yourself. Educate yourself. Build yourself. Then, Help others. Educate others. And you’ll build a better world.
Miriam: Even when you write that you have been cursed from your early days, I see much hope in your words. Do you found an antidote to your curse? Or do you prefer to be an Alchemist?
The Cursed Poet: I’d say I am an alchemist that tries to turn all his words into gold, so maybe they act an antidote for others.
Miriam: Where are you from?
The Cursed Poet: I am from the capital of central India, "Bhopal - The city of lakes".
Miriam: Describe yourself in a poetic way.
The Cursed Poet: Thoughts encompass my dark mind, Heliotrope, filled with hope, to spread an Ether of light for the blind,
Cursed by god to hook Up with this sharp nib, and bleed Red tears of emotion, from the black Sour core trapped inside my rib. Everything I see is dressed enough to inspire me, the Dew on the leaf with the caterpillar enjoying it's beef, Petals of the rose, the flying moss; all rise up to my prose Oeuvre of my life still undone, finding myself I'm reduced to one. Every time you see me passing bye, don't forget to say goodbye for This life is made of sand, so, before the storm knocks, lets wave hands. (Read the first letter of every line vertically downwards too)
Miriam: Why do you write?
The Cursed Poet: “Writing is the room I drag myself into whenever I find a secret worth sharing."Whenever I break my threshold of patience, anger, pain, laughter or any kind of feeling that I possess, I share my secret with the world with a hope, that it resonates with their lives and either helps them to get out of miserable situations or gives them a feeling of warmth and togetherness. A reassurance that they are not only the ones suffering. Writing is what keeps me breathing for I think my tongue is twisted the wrong way to feed any ignorant brain, but my hand has the ability to write things that penetrate beyond the vision of a human's brain (if read carefully).
Miriam: Is poetry your first love?
The Cursed Poet: It was due to my first love that my poems came into existence. I think, I have almost lost her, and I don't want to lose poetry so I am taking care of it as my first love.
Miriam: You are found within the compilation of poems within the book “Relatable Tales” by Can you tell us more about this project? And how you came to it?
The Cursed Poet: Yes, it is an anthology of nanotales compiled into a book. I got to know about the project through my friend Sumbul, who is also a writer, she asked me to give it a try and I submitted my sample. Both of us were selected and we made our way amidst some of the best rising micro fiction masters of India in the book. "The Relatable Tales" is a metro read, a must buy for everyone who wishes to get an instant gush of feelings, with nanotales on almost every genre. It is available on all leading E-commerce websites.
Miriam: Why do you call yourself the cursed poet?
The Cursed Poet: Life knocked me down several times. Tragedies visited almost everyday, living under the shade of a financially struggling household to being kicked out at every aspect of life, I considered myself cursed. Until things got back on track I only had my poems to tell people who I really was from the inside, so I sold my curse to literature and rose as "the.cursed.poet"
Miriam: When have you been cursed for the first time?
The Cursed Poet: When I found out that the soul I loved more than anything served a ghost in another evil's bed.
Miriam: I also saw within your Insta Handle that you are a Musician, too. Can you tell us more about this?
The Cursed Poet: I am a professional Saxophonist, flute player and an occasional guitarist. I have received an excellence award from my school for serving the school band for over five years as a flute player and saxophonist.
Miriam: How do you balance your writing, your studies and your music?
The Cursed Poet: It’s really hard. I have sacrificed my college studies for writing, I like to dedicate most of my time on my Instagram page. But, in the end I know I have to survive the day and I try my best to keep up with studies, but yeah I am bent more towards literature. Talking about music, I have not touched any instruments from quite a time but soon I am planning to start video tutorials or something to share my knowledge of music, as the instruments are kind of unique.
Miriam: Why do you believe in Humanity?
The Cursed Poet: Humans are the most dangerous animals as well as the most beautiful creatures of god. So, to spread beauty in the world and to keep threat at bay everyone needs to believe in humanity.
Miriam: You love short poems. How would you write a quote for the word Humanitarian?
The Cursed Poet: In a place where smell of gunpowder took over the breeze, a spark could have burned down everything. He decided to ignite brains and the flames burnt down an pertaining evil.
Miriam: What do you do to give not up hope in peace and humanity for this world, when you see so much injustice, war and terror around you?
The Cursed Poet: There is goodness inside all of us, all that is bad is just dust. The stains can be washed away and the shine can always be returned if we wish to clean it regardless of how thick the layer of dirt is. So I think I am filling my bucket drop by drop, for I know whenever there will be a threat to humanity, all humans will have to unite.
Miriam: What can we all do to make this world a more loving and peaceful place?
The Cursed Poet: I believe when everybody could contribute a small, tiny peace to it, the world would change.
Miriam: What can it be?
The Cursed Poet: Give up on things that harm you and your surroundings. If you are capable, share a piece of bread with the ones in need and above all treat every human with respect. "Utilise all your human rights and make sure everybody around you has the freedom to do so."
Miriam: You run a very successful Instagram page with over 10k followers and a lot of comments on your posts. What tips can you give to gain true and faithful followers? We were lately discussing within our “Universe Under the Pillow” book group from The Muser Square if it is important to start with quotes and short posts or if it is important to stay true to yourself. What feels more true to you? And can you give us a tip?
The Cursed Poet: For the follower growth I will recommend that people should post content that is relatable to the readers and is not too stretched up, as you have to engage the readers in the beginning so that they are willing to read your larger works later.
Miriam: Where can we find you?
The Cursed Poet: Instagram: @the.cursed.poet Blog:
Miriam: End the interview by sharing with us one of your best experience in life.
The Cursed Poet: To see my words printed into a book was one of the best experience of my life. The love of over 10K followers supporting me on Instagram carries it forward, I hope people keep to showing their love on my writings and make every single day the best day of my life!