Jaydev Patel
Young blood runs like a river through the veins of my country but the waste being poured into it hasn't changed yet. It feels like an albatross across my shoulder as I see it all getting colder and colder. Politics has shown its ruins since the prehistoric time, but since it has widened its perspective over the era today, it all seems vague. The zone that we cover is a tiny little one but I wish we all could look further and farther. The pain of the army men that we see described in the posts of social media is not much different than the poverty issues in our real society, the weight of things on to the democrats is not much different than the students going through a mental trauma due to education, we just lack a vision. Even our Prime Minister requires 20 seconds of courage when he faces an audience, because they EXPECT something from him, then why does that time not count when people are bullied?
According to Psychology, the acceptance power of a kid is 80% and it turns down to 25% when in the teens. Well, true enough... because a kid could accept the society as it is, but the society wouldn't just accept. In fact, 'acceptation' and 'expectation' hold just a thin line between them, it's nothing but our rage coming out of the sage that we hide inside. Now the question being, can this be changed? Can one's acceptation overcome the expectations? Why not? People all around the world believe in different religions, but the irony is that the stories leading to those religions, they've termed them as a "Mythology", where myth means 'false'. You've accepted something, but you deny to accept the cause of it. We humans are no different, but the only issue is searching for things outside, far away into the mines, to the waters and till the space. Interjection: What if we start looking within ourselves? That hasn't been done too often, has it? Targeting the problems happening in a nation, its national interests, its social, cultural and economic growth, even the government (which the public blames), it all gets too hyped and heavy onto our brains. But focusing on the disputes around us would make us stay in our comfort zone and that's where we need to start from.
Let me give you an example regarding the acceptance power; An infant is pointed towards its parents at birth and that's how it grows up to witness and believe. But what if one fine day, out of the blue, someone told that it was concocted, it would be unacceptable. We wouldn't have that readiness to not think about it twice when we used to have it as a child. Why don't we think before breathing either? The creation is placed perfectly, right where it should be, but we humans tend to change it rather than understanding it. You'll get a never-ending list of controversies around the globe, a huge people trying to deal with them too, but everyone wants a tangible proof as in how to sort it out. They say that the world is spherical and what goes 'round, comes 'round, and I hope that the philosophical blend of cracking things comes up again, because if it doesn't soon, than these sapiens playing with the nature might have to wait for the payback, and it would be really hurtful.
Penning all these into a short and bittersweet manner, humans were meant to achieve what they have and they'll run too far in this race of life, humans have proved their capabilities for what they were created, but sadly...they just forgot one thing - "Humanity".