Aishvarya Venkatasubramaniam
The waves in our mind are louder than the waves in the sea. At times, we fail to recognize and hear this loudest cry that crosses decibels to reach us. When we try to listen, we tend to connect to our inner mind and inner soul. Remember, a man who prefers “SOLITUDE” is a man who finds himself to the fullest in his journey of life. He realizes, understands the vibes which engulf the walls of his soul. To it’s contrast, solitude also turns out to be the messiest, the frustrating thing ever most of the times.Yes.
Because human mind is the filthiest garbage drum dumped with life- threatening toxins. Ego, anger, jealousy and a lot more. But it’s all about in how we handle. Mind is the most powerful gift to the mankind. Moulding it into a flawless sculpture is all what matters.
Our mind resonates depending on the frequency we give in. In a nutshell, the mind’s ability is always directly proportional to the amount of positive vibes we build. As the saying goes,” Where there is a will, there is a way”, it is so damn true because if we really
wish to accomplish or achieve something, we really find a way to finish it. Else,we ponder and find reasons to while away and finally
“IF’s and BUT’s” will eventually be our destined answer.
When will our mind come to life? When will it find space? When will it be free from mental pressure? Only when compassion find it’s root way. Our life is the creation of our mind. There may be a winner but there is no one called a “LOSER”. Infact, we only
learn something out of everything in our routine. Life is indeed a “trial and error” .We learn from the mistakes we do. Haven't we heard of this-“To err is human?” and that’s how the human nature is. Okay so when does compassion lead our mind? We become alive when we start to remove the masks off from our face painted with false emotions. There is always a child inside us, a child
peeping out, struggling to remind us that we are not real, we all are embedded over false feelings and intuitions, surrounded with social taboos, lots of external force suppressing us. The child in us is more mature than us. May be our egoistic , poisonous nature must have surpassed and outbeaten the loudest cry of this child. To be mentally wealthy, it is important to listen to our inner mind.
”Solitude” makes us happy provided we are keen enough to respect our inner sense, putting ourselves first always. ”SPEAK TO YOUR CHILD,TO YOUR BELOVED CHILD,THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SUPPRESSED BY YOU”. This highly judgmental society today has failed to connect and inter-twine. We define “love” in thousand ways, talk about it, write about it, we
even pen down a poem about it, but it has become a complete “hypothetical” term these days. When we start to blame everyone and consider ourselves a victim, it is highly necessary to reverse the logic and think big. Everything starts from us. We are the doer as well as the victims. It need not be a war with blood and weapons always. Sometimes it can also be a cold war between our soul and mind. We lost our goals and ideas right after we have decided to lose our child in us. Our mere aim of life is to find our purpose and give our whole heart and soul to it. Self-love is the first and foremost step towards integrity. It can trigger the vibrations in us, help us to improve and heighten our self-esteem.When we become independent and start to value our thoughts, we will be able to sail in the right direction from our lost pathway. Enlightening ourselves with good thoughts can recreate our mind thereby shattering all pseudo emotions. Adhering to our mind and soul is like a baby adhering to its mother’s womb. You know how cosy and safe will that be? Mind is like the sky and thoughts are like the clouds crossing the sky. Not every group of clouds is beautiful. It’s rather important that we make it beautiful enough and
that’s the art everyone has to learn. Mind is always restless and unstable, it is hard to protect and restrain the thoughts entering in.The wise can make it straight, just as a fletcher straightens arrows.”LETTING GO A LITTLE BRINGS A LITTLE PEACE.LETTING
GO A LOT BRINGS A LOT OF PEACE. LETTING GO COMPLETELY BRINGS COMPLETE PEACE”. Choose your need. Choose your life. Believe it or not, this is the ultimate truth of life. When life gets serious, everything around us gets serious and when it happens, one cannot handle or suffer the heat, when the mind generates the waves of frustration. Delete the past, live in the present, accept the future. Don’t press or push things. Everything happens at the right time. Life is only once, let us wear a smile, be
positive even when the whole world is against us. Be real. Be yourself. Mind the MIND. Let it para glide for a while. But make sure you land safe.