Sikha Sengupta
Have you ever wondered darling who are we to each other? Who am I to keep all your letters in my favourite golden box, even if I know the letter writer has paradigm through my life? Who are you to throw all my belongings of the heart which actually was preserved for our love? Have you ever wondered who will we be to each other?
Who will be I to dig your existence deep inside that nobody, not even I can ever open it?
Who will be you to teach yourself that I am gone and never again come back?
Have you ever wondered, love, what would have happened if we never parted out? Would you just come and hug me so tight that all the broken pieces of my soul gets attached? Would you ever again say that my smile dries up all your tears?Would we just embrace each other under the sky of endless, endless stars? Would we just hold each other’s hand and take our life to the wonderland of love, forever?
Or would we then realise that we are not made for each other? That we are just a part and parcel of how things go wrong? That you are not the flame of my candle and I am not the painting of your paintbrush?
And then after ages away, if we meet again,I would smile at you and You would smile at me, about how we learnt from each other, and how in a distant place, we both grew together in love away from each other.