We feel very honoured to interview Susanne, living currently in Berlin.
She brings light and beauty into people's live and inspires many. Being a multi passionate person and who loves to work with people, you will also find her in London, at the other side of the globe in Berkeley and in Australia at the end of the year.
Dear Susanne, there is so much to learn from you. So we found it a great idea to share your gifts and talents with our readers.
1. Describe yourself in 5 sentences.
I am a diver, I dive into the caves under water that reveal secret gifts from the hidden worlds. I am a woman who loves real beauty - the beauty that's found also in unexpected places and the beauty of presence and nature. I'm touched by life and dedicated to my purpose, which is accompanying people to be more connected with their truth, their bodies and their being. I love people and I also love being in my own company. I live from my heart.
2. You love taking photos, so we thought it would be fun, when you also describe yourself through pictures
… relaxing the heart and trusting the ground
We all are!!
Sensuality, sun, water, playfulness and joy!The joy of perceiving this world through the senses.
Being met by the almost unbearable beauty of nature. (Esalen Institute)
This garden … I love it so much. And I love the possibilities of creating things on the computer and being online and connecting with people all around the world. While sitting in this garden. I also love, if it is not too much of screen work.
3. You have a very interesting biography. You started as a teacher, studied music, finally created a music band called "Erdbeerfeld" and now you are a coach and an Alexander Technique teacher. You also share your gifts and inspirations on Facebook, Insta, via Newsletter and your own blog. On top of it all you recently created your own YouTube Channel and SoundCloud Account.
As I'm reading, I'm smiling. My journey… When I look at it, it looks like an orchestration in which - to me - it becomes more and more obvious, what the bassline is ... within the space ... within the space of awareness itself this orchestration is happening as a play. Sometimes I get caught in one voice and forget about the whole picture ... and then I remember. That I am the Space and the Orchestra within it. Playing for the sake of playing. Becoming more conscious of consciousness itself.
4. What about your musical journey?
Yes, music. My musical journey started at the age of six with my violin and I had a mixed relationship to playing this instrument. And then the piano, which I loved so much ... and then I studied music for being a teacher at school (which I actually didn't want to become) and during this stressful time, I somehow came across the Alexander Technique, which opened for me a TOTALLY new perspective of HOW I could be in my body and be Susanne. I was flashed by the experience, that my body and my whole self was able to feel much more relaxed and that I actually could create the conditions myself that this change could happen (first with the help of my teacher). And that I could feel at home and well in my body. After a time of struggle with eating and years of not feeling connected with my body, it was such a relief. As if a whole new dimension of intelligence, joy, peace and naturalness was introduced to me. Through this non-wanting touch and the presence of my teacher.
5. Can you tell us what Alexander Technique is all about?
Alexander Technique, as I'm practicing it, is the art of meeting and noticing myself without judgement and with this precious moment of not having to change anything. In this moment of slowing down, of taking a step back, the nervous system changes into a different mode. Where the fear reflex patterns loosen their grip and from there, we can gently allow our bodies (which is happening by itself really) to expand and find into its more balanced natural state. Breathing, expansion, aliveness, flexibility takes place and as a byproduct the body is more upright. I support people to find this in themselves. You can listen to guided Meditations on my soundcloud page.
Wow! You had the courage to take a new journey and new road. You find Susanne mediations in English and German on YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrj_Hq2FIEEo0-SNetoFo0A)
and on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/susannefeld
6. Can you tell us more about your new path of light?
Finally I decided to move to Berlin to do the three year training of the Alexander Technique, while we were doing a lot of musical projects with my Duo Erdbeerfeld, which I did with my past partner: Electro acoustic pop songs, art projects and sound installations. Our Website still exists: www.erdbeerfeld.org
I loved this time of everyday going to the Alexander Technique school and becoming more and more conscious and also confused, because things changed and my beliefs were challenged ... as my whole system transformed.
And after my training I found with two colleagues the “Zentrum für Alexander-Technik” (https://www.facebook.com/Zentrum-für-Alexander-Technik-374991089197/) here in Berlin. It was not easy for me in the first years and there was a divorce and through this the letting go of Erdbeerfeld and not knowing how to build a business. So I continued learning ... I did coachings and also did a four year training as a Gestalt therapist to explore more the realm of emotions. At the same time, you are right, I continued my studies in Alexander Technique very intensely. By then my partner was an ALexander Technique teacher too, so we were exchanging a lot of our work and were diving into this exploration intensely.
7. Always learning and curious in new things, loving it to grow and expand. That is you. How does your work looks like at the moment?
At the beginning, starting 9 years ago, I took various Alexander Technique workshops and other workshops to orient myself ... until I found out, what my real interest in this work is. And so exactly those teachers appeared, who are still an immense inspiration to me. I'm so grateful for these beings. My work now is based on these different dimensions I love and explore.
My core teaching is, how to be oneself, how to be able to meet oneself and the world without the stress of needing or wanting to be different. The basis is really that through my inner work and through touch, I support people to calm down their nervous systems, by providing a space where they can really be how they are at this given moment. No need to change. A space without judgement.
And as soon as this is given, we start to explore ... explore through consciousness, movement, touch and inquiries. To again and again meet oneself and notice what is happening. To shed light on the hidden places, to dive into the caves and find the hidden secrets and gifts. To be at home in the body and self. To truly share oneself with the world.
I believe that every person has something unique to share. It can take many different forms. And I know, every single person in every single moment changes the world. No matter, if I am alone in my room, like right now, or if I'm talking publicly. And the first form of caring for the environment is by caring for myself. How am I with and within and as myself in this present moment? How are the dimensions, that I am (body, soul, spiritual, emotional and others) playing together. Can I disturb this beautiful orchestration a little bit less, so that life can flow through me like water or light and can express itself in that way that is coming from my innermost truth and from the core of my being ...
Wow, thank you! It reads itself like a poem! Feeling touched by your words! Wonderful lines and very heartfelt. Thank you for your insights and sharing your gifts with us.
8. You also write poetry and just started your own meditation channel on YouTube, there is always something new to come.
This year I'm again visiting two Alexander teachers, one in London and one in Berkeley and will just dive deeper into my understanding - and to just play. And I will study with Michaela Boehm, learning more about the art of working with groups of women. Which I already do with my beloved friend and colleague Leonie von Arnim (www.instagram.com/leonievonarnim). We are leading Retreats for women (https://www.facebook.com/BrodowinFrauenSeminare/) in beautiful places in the countryside here in Germany.
So I will do several trainings with Michaela Boehm, about embodiment practices and also study with Ronja Sebastian in the same area. 9. You are a learner by nature, are we right in our assumption? If yes, what inspires you?
Makes me smile again ... yes, I'm a learner by nature, it seems. I think my curiosity keeps me moving.
10. Why do you never stop learning? What is the reason behind this?
How I experience this life, it is like a whole learning process. And if I take part in this life, which is what my deepest yearning in my heart is - to fully participate, to remember with every cell of my body and my whole being, that I AM an expression of life itself - then learning is just happening. It's nothing I choose. It's taking place. The question might be: am I willing to listen and to take the time to integrate, to digest my experiences ... 11. What tips woud you give others, to start something new and to never stop learning?
I would ask myself: what excites me (whenever I do it)? Whatever it is. And then go from there ... And to create a condition, where you can truly allow yourself to receive these small and bigger answers and pictures and feelings ... not to push anything away. Conditions where you gently can start to feel ... be it a tingling in the body, in the heart ... I would start by creating a space, where you can be receptive ... This can be 10 minutes just lying on the floor and doing nothing ... And never stop learning? Maybe by realizing, that learning takes place anyways, that it's just a question if I allow my experience to inform me. Like right now. I learn something right now, as I'm observing myself how I am sitting here. And by being aware of this experience. 12. While being a healer and a coach (when you want to be named differently just tell us), - for us you are a lightworker. What do you do to bring light into your life, when everything feels dark around you?
At the moment I truly don't know how I want to be called, I'm in the process of finding it out. So just use your words :-) So yes, good question. Listening to talks of spiritual teachers on youtube. Running in the park WHILE listening to a talk. Dancing (at home or go to 5 Rhythms, Contact Improvisation, Ecstatic dance). Spending time in nature or even in the park on the grass. Lying on the floor, doing nothing. Connecting with friends. Journaling and communicating with other aspects of my being. Alexander Technique exchange. Touch. Self touch. Gently finding my way into acceptance of what is, without getting lost in it.
13. You have many talents and gifts, like singing, poetry and photography, just to name a few. What tips do you have to give to live a multi purpose life, to allow yourself to do and live it.
Right now, I feel, what makes it really precious and not overwhelming - because sometimes I cannot decide what to do, because there are so so many possibilities and it can get or seem a bit random to do so many different things - the connection with the red thread.
And for me this is first of all - no matter what I'm doing, my longing from my heart is, to do it from a state of beingness, of awareness. Than it doesn't matter so much, what I'm doing. AND also important to see this thread or life theme that underlies my actions. And it is such a process to find this out! In my case it has to do with touch, beauty (in all it also raw forms) and true connection. Being touched (by life, by everything) and to touch ~ seeing the beauty in other people and in so many things and as a friend of mine said, as I asked him, what would be written on my grave stone: *Susanne leaves things and people more beautiful* ~ and true connection. With my heart, with beingness, with life and people, which are all expressions of life as such.
14. What was the first poem you fell in love with?
I think it was at the age of 14 ...This one by Erich Fried,
What it is
It is nonsense
says reason
It is what it is
says love
It is calamity
says calculation
It is nothing but pain
says fear
It is hopeless
says insight
It is what it is
says love
It is ludicrous
says pride
It is foolish
says caution
It is impossible
says experience
It is what it is
says love
15. What is your favourite quote?
There are so many. I just came across this : *The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.* Meister Eckhart
Photos by: Ralf Hiemisch and Susanne Feld
Thank you so much, dear Susanne for taking your time for us, giving us such beautiful insights into your life and journey.
If you want to follow Susanne, you find her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Alexandertechnik-Gestalttherapie-Berlin-Susanne-Feld-266904689999213/)
and on Insta @su_feld