Hello Everyone,
Today we have interviewed a very well known writer and our personal favourite, Mr Rohit Nikam. He is a well known writer on Instagram and we are obliged that we got to interview him.

So let’s directly jump into the interview:
1) Please introduce yourself (in detail) and your creative work.
Hello, I'm Rohit Nikam, 22 years old, currently based in Mumbai. I am a freelance graphic designer and video editor. I've done my graduation in English literature, from Ramnarain Ruia College. Writing is just a hobby so far. I write more about the feelings people can never read, with a different approach to it. And, when it comes to art, I like all the aspects of it.
2) What motivated you to become a writer? Tell us the story behind Rohit Nikam.
We'll I've been in love. Haven't we all? I was an introvert, still am. So I started writing my feelings down. Slowly my words kinda took shape and maybe turned out to be an inspiration for some of the people. So basically, my story is the same as much of the writers out there. Love, lost and finding love again in yourself. Also, some of my friends pushed me into it, as they liked what I wrote. Maybe that's how a simple, shy, and introvert guy managed to be Rohit Nikam.
3) How is the family support?

Haha, most of my family members don't believe that what I write is really written by me. My sister always keeps making fun of me as she says, "Where in the world do you get time to think about so many things?" But afterall, they are the strongest support I can get. My mother, she believes in me the most.
4) Who are or what are your inspirations?
There are a lot of people to be mentioned here in this list. I won't name them, but they played a big role in making me what I am. I find inspirations in a lot of things around me. Even the smallest of things. Sometimes, thoughts just come out of nowhere. And I can't answer myself how I ended up writing this.
5) Do you think you have a particular type of writing? For example a memoirist.
I don't know much about my style. I just write what comes to my mind. A lot of people say that I write beautifully about love and all its branches. So maybe I'm a modern romantic, who finds beauty in even the most terrible parts of my life.
6) If you had to promote yourself, what would be those four lines?
If only I get a chance, I'd go with, "Hey there beautiful human, I am just the one amongst you who tries to make sense out of our emotions. Drop a smiling heart if inspired or touched. Your happiness is what I crave for."

7) Can you describe the major themes that the readers would get to explore in your works and how they, individually, have affected your life?
Some of the major themes to be named are love, memories, philosophy and imagery of a small scene. There are others, but I do write a lot about these things. They play a major role in making me what I am. I overthink about a lot of situations, to which I end up making sense about it.
8) Which Literary Genre would be number one on your preference list and why? How flexible can someone be in changing their genre according to you?
Romanticism is what I like the most about literature. It helps a person to find beauty in the most stupid things. The current situation of a person can make him shift from one genre to another. Because they start making connections with the writer, and his/her works.
9) Do you fear to be mediocre? How do you manage not to fall in the rut?
I accept on what level I am. The fear of being a mediocre never bothers me as such. I am myself the best motivator to step out of the rut and even the reason to fall in it.
10) Your recent writings have been about love. Have you been in love? How much has that influenced your writing?
To be precise, I am always in love. May it be a person or a thing. It keeps me pushing my thoughts a little further than usual. Maybe, being in love is the best thing I've learned so far. It makes you a terrible person, also it has the power to make you better than the rest.
11) How important are the surroundings in the writing process for you?
The surroundings never mattered much. It is my mind which burst colours when I start thinking about things. I just write when I come up with a thought. Though I never decide the timings or the place.

12) Do you write as it comes to you? Or do you make yourself sit regularly and then squeeze out words? Is the end product different in both?
As I've said earlier, I just write when a thought strikes me. Pushing myself to sit down only to write, regulates my thinking process.
13) You said you have been working with an art director. Tell us about that. Do you think writing can be a professional career?
Working with an art director can be a real pain in the back. You sit there merging things, making set designs for long stretch of hours. Right now if anyone is considering writing as a professional career, I'd say go for it. We have a lot of vast opportunities due to the impact of social media in our lives. One can make a living what they love, and give the world a beautiful part of their mind.
14) Tell us about any achievements.

I don't have much of achievements really. Just that people thank me for my existence, because someway or the other I, or my writings have been there for them. Maybe, I've inspired a few people around me, and that is such an amazing feeling. Last but not the least, I was called as a Judge for a literary event held in Government Law College.
15) What do you think of Instagram, Facebook, Mirakee, Wordpress etc as a platform for artists and writers? Which site or app is your favorite?
Just because of all these sites the aspiring artists have got a platform to showcase their work. Among all of them, Instagram is one of my favourite followed by Facebook.
Rohit Nikam, Instagram: nikamrohit_
Compiled By : Devanshi Doshi ( Instagram: blogbydee-- )